Thursday, May 21, 2015

It's My Birthhhhdddaayyyy!

Bear With Me.

It's my 23rd birthday! 
Usually I would be running around all over the city shopping, eating, and having drinks with my friends.

Things have totally changed. 
I brought in my birthday at 12AM while laying in bed eating pizza rolls and talking on the phone to my boyfriend.
And at 5 months pregnant, it was perfect.

For the day, I waddled, napped, and ate in bed ALL. DAY. LONG.
I couldn't have been happier.
Unfortunately, It all ends tomorrow when I return to work. Booooo!



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New Family, New Traditions

Bear With Me.

Growing up, my family had a few traditions that we did every year and every few years. One in particular was going to the beach every summer.  Now that there is a new little family of my own starting, we get to have our own little traditions.  And boooyyyy are my boyfriend and I excited! We're going to do everything. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! From beach trips,, to mountain trips, to amusement park trips; we're doing it all! 

One fun trip that we've already planned to include in our family traditions is visiting the new Simpson's themed Springfield section at Universal Studios Hollywood. 

As huge fans of the show, as soon as we found out, we knew that this was going to be a must go and we can't wait to have our little cub running along beside us. 
Of course, we're going to have to wait a year or two to start this tradition, due to the fact that we want cub to be able to run around and enjoy the park as much as we will. But, nonetheless, we are still SUPER excited to rev up the fun!

If you haven't checked out the grand opening video of Springfield, here is a link to do so!
Hopefully, you are just as excited as we are about this moment in history!

How cool is that right?!?

Aside from the over-the-top traditions, we'll, of course, do some basic things too, but who wants to hear the boring stuff?



Tuesday, May 19, 2015

In The Beginning There Was a Stork

Bear With Me.

I'm not a huge writer and I'm sure I won't keep up with this blog, BUT bear with me. We all are fighting inner demons.


I was walking along with my boyfriend minding my business when POOF! Out of no where the stork of life dropped a bomb that he would be returning around September 18, 2015 with a bouncing baby boy for us. We were all like "Na bruh. We not ready for that." and he was like, "Well you better get ready. You have nine months." And then POOF! The dude just disappears with no explanation, no terms and conditions, no user manual, no nothing!

So here we are 5 months in and let me tell you, we have never experienced so many different emotions at one time. Happy, joy, excitement, horror, stress, confusion, and then more happiness. All of that. At one time. But, we couldn't be any more blessed by the out pour of support we have been receiving from our family and friends.

I created this blog as a source of stress relief because just writing it down wasn't cutting it anymore. So somethings I say may come off a little weird and out of the blue and maybe even a little scattered but, don't blame me, it's the preggo brain. Ok, maybe you can blame me a little too. Anywho, my posts will be about many things that I am enjoying and not really enjoying about my pregnancy and motherhood so far. Maybe there will be people out there who can relate to me and not too much surprise, maybe there won't. Nonetheless, I hope to provide you with some entertainment and not bore you to death with my wack stories of how swollen my piggy feet are and how my shirts look like parachutes nowadays.

In addition to "parenting" posts, I will also include some fun natural hair posts and fashion posts as well. Basically, I'll talk about anything that strikes my brain.

I hope you enjoy my blabbering from this day forward.


-Kita B.